Password questions

Password is only known for you and no one else. We highly suggest you keeping it safe and unknown to any third parties to ensure safety of your account.

However, if you are using our Android set-top-box it does not require password. It is already encrypted to your device signal.

Can I change my password?
Yes, you can change your password at any time using desktop browser.
This is not doable in mobile or TV applications.
If you want to do it please follow instruction at the bottom of this article.
Does Go3 or my service provider know my password?
No. This information is not accessible to us or our partners.
Are there any requirements for a password?
Only requirement is for it to be at least 8 digits long.
We suggest you adding numbers, capital letters to make it more secure. However, it is not mandatory.
How can I recover my lost password?
If you lost your password you can easily recover it both with your Email or Phone number used in Go3. This takes less then few seconds but no longer then 10 minutes. Please follow short instruction or video material prepared for better understanding how to do it.

Video instruction how to recover your Password

Step by step instruction how to recover your Password

1. Please navigate to “Login page”

2. Select “Forgot?” or alternatively select this URL

3. In new window choose method for password recovery (either Email or Phone, depending which one you have set in your Go3 subscription)

Enter your email address or Phone number and select “Send” icon below

4. You will be asked to check your Email address or Phone for temporary code. Please enter it in first field, in second and third fields please enter new password and repeat it.

Select “Save” if you want to save your new password, “Cancel” if you changed your mind.

5. If you see screen “Password changed!” you can select “Log in” and enter your new password to access your subscription

Video instruction how to change your Password

Step by step instruction how to change your Password

1. Navigate to “My account” located in top right side of the screen under your profile picture

2. Under subscription tab on right side of the screen you will find “Change password”, please select it

3. In new window you will be asked to enter your old password, new wished password and repeat new wished password (minimum requirement is 8 digits)

Select “SAVE” icon visible on the screen

4. If password was changed you will see message YOUR PASSWORD HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY CHANGED
Please close the window and log in again

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