Error message

It is very unfortunate that you are seeing one of them. However, they are quite common and easily solvable in any device! For any of the messages below you will need no more than a few minutes to solve.

Please select the message you see from the list below.

GE/E/IC – Generic error code
Sometimes we cannot automatically detect what happened and we need deeper investigation so in some cases you might see this error.

However, if you see this we first recommend to restart your TV (unplug it from the power source) and turn it on again after a few minutes. If this does not help, we recommend reinstalling Go3 application on your TV and making sure you are using the newest version of the application.

If you still experience this error message constantly, please contact customer support and provide times of when you experienced it and we will investigate this further.
AUT001 – Authentication required
If you encounter this error on mobile devices (phone or tablet) make sure that your Go3 application is up to date. The newest versions of the applications you can see in this article.

You can also encounter this error while using Go3 on TV, we once again suggest to check if your application is up to date here. If you still experience it we recommend to log out of your account and log in again.

If it still occurs – please contact our support team, so we could investigate it further.
VID009 – Video session expired
If you encounter this error on mobile devices (phone or tablet) make sure your Go3 application is up to date. The newest versions of the applications you can see in this article.

If you see this error message on your TV, this might be related to long inactivity. If you don’t see an option to continue watching you might need to restart the application.

Also, please make sure that your application is up to date. You can check the newest versions here.
PRO005 – Product has no active schedule
If you see this error on your screen it is possible that something is wrong with your subscription.

Please check if your last payment was successful. If payment was not successful, here you can see the reasons why it can happen.

If payment was successful and this error is repeating, please contact our customer support team and we will investigate it.
BLA001 – Blackout content
If you see this error while watching content on Go3, please contact customer support and inform us about the asset you were watching. We will try to fix it as soon as possible!
GEO001 – Geolocation error
This error might show up if your IP address is recognized as being outside of EU/EEA.
Reasons for it happening

– You are using VPN/Proxy – Disable it and you will be able to use it
– You are trying to use Go3 outside of EU/EEA – if you are actually outside of EU/EEA, unfortunately you won’t be able to watch Go3.
– You are in EU/EEA but you do not have verified phone number – you can easily verify it in your account settings. How to do it check it here.

If you are unable to verify your phone number (not receiving SMS message), please contact our customer support team, they will definitely help you.

More information about watching content abroad you can find here.
GEO002 – Location is outside EU/EEA
As GEO001 this error message as well recognizes your IP address as being outside of EU/EEA. Please check the description above of error GEO001 for solution.
PRO012 – Program recording not exists
This usually is connected with asset you are trying to watch and/or with your internet.

We kindly suggest you doing steps described below:

– Try loading asset again
– Restarting Go3 application
– Restarting your TV device
– Rebooting your router
– Connecting your TV to internet freshly

If none of above helps, please contact us with name of the asset, we will investigate it together!
CC/F/ED – Failed to cast asset
This error might indicate that there might be problems with your casting device and it’s not able to load the asset you are trying to watch.

Try to restart the device you are using, if this is not helping it can mean that your casting device is not meeting the technical requirement. We kindly ask you to check our technical requirements in this article and make sure the device you are using meets them.

If your device is in line with requirements but you still see this error, please contact our support team for help.
INT001 – Internal error
You can encounter this error message when trying to log in with social media accounts. If you have trouble doing that please contact us, so we could solve this situation, but in the meantime we recommend you to create a password and log in with password.
ITE016 – Item not paid
This can happen if you recently rented a movie, but haven’t watched it in 48h and the time expired. If 48h didn’t pass but you still see this error, please contact us for further investigation.
ME/R/DE – Playback interrupted due to damaged material or because the material used unsupported functions
This might happen if the asset you are watching is damaged. Sometimes reloading your application and TV might help it, but if it does not please send this error code and asset name to our support, a video file might be corrupted. We are super sorry for inconvenience and thank you for your help!
ME/R/RK – A network error has interrupted loading of the material
The error you are seeing is related to your internet network. It means, that connection was temporary lost.

Please try:

– Restarting Go3 application
– Restarting your TV device
– Rebooting your router
– Connecting your TV to internet freshly

If none of above works, please contact your internet provider for additional help. Sadly this message is sent not from Go3 side.
PL/N/ED – Player failed to load manifest
This usually is connected with asset you are trying to watch or with your internet. We kindly suggest you doing steps described below:

– Try loading asset again
– Restarting Go3 application
– Restarting your TV device
– Rebooting your router
– Connecting your TV to internet freshly

If none of above helps, please contact us with name of the asset, we will investigate it together!
VER001 – Verification code sent via email/SMS is not typed properly or expired
This can happen in two scenarios:

– Entered code has a typo mistake. Please make sure you are trying to enter code exactly how we sent you and try again
– Code has expired (SMS codes are valid for 15minutes, Email codes are valid for 24 hours). In order to recover it please repeat the action* you used to receive it.

*If it was registration email, please try recover your password and code will arrive shortly again. How to do it please visit this article or navigate to this page and try to recover your password.
COM001 – Email format is wrong during registration
This error message is only visible if you made a typo in email, example: user@gmail.c or added space bar, or forgot to enter @ symbol.

Only solution is to try entering your email again and please make sure format of it is correct this time.
COM002 – Number format is wrong during registration
If you are making registration with your phone number, please make sure format of it is correct and you are not losing any bits of it.

Example: maybe you added wrong country code? Instead of +37….+44 or forgot one digital?

No worries, just please try entering your phone number again and double check if format of it is correct.
SUB015 –Email already exists
This message will only appear if you already have an account with this email address. Thus, you cannot have two different subscriptions with one email address.

Do not recall if you have subscription? You might have Go3 account ordered via our partners: Home3 or Tele2 – please contact your service provider, they might have details of your account.

Do not have a service ordered via our partners? Maybe you have ordered it some time ago directly from us. In this case, please try recovering your password, you might not need to create an account again. You can do this here.

If you can’t recover your password, and you don’t remember Please contact us with email address you are trying to use for registration, we will track your subscription to whom it belongs.
OTC002 – invalid code when adding TV device
This error is only visible when adding TV device while using solution and typing in text code in page.

Please make sure your entered code matches the code visible on TV screen and try again.

You can as well select on TV “Generate new code” and you will see new code that you can try entering.

Full instruction how to bind TV to your Go3 subscription you can find here.
SUB048 – Token for password reset is expired
This message appears only if you registered yourself and tried to create password after 24h.

In order to create your password now please follow this short instruction:

• Visit page:
• Enter your credentials used for registration
• After you receive new email* please create password within 15minutes.

As this is second time this email is being sent to you it can end up in „junk/spam/social“ inbox folders, please make sure to check every place if you do not receive it.
ME/F/AD – Unknown error loading material
This usually is connected with asset you are trying to watch and/or with your internet.

We kindly suggest you doing steps described below:

– Try loading asset again
– Restarting Go3 application
– Restarting your TV device
– Rebooting your router
– Connecting your TV to internet freshly

If none of above helps, please contact us with name of the asset, we will investigate it together!
PL/V/ON – Invalid Player API request
When you are trying to load an asset your device is sending a request to us to load an asset for you. However, there might be rare cases then you see this error even though everything seems to be OK.

We kindly suggest you doing following actions:

– Try loading asset again
– Launch Go3 application freshly (please make sure you are using application installed from your TV application shop)
– Restart your TV

If it does not work, please contact us with asset name and we will investigate it on our end. Thank you!
PL/V/ER – Player parameters could not be found
This is connected to your device and our video player. We kindly suggest you doing following actions:

– Try loading asset again
– Launch Go3 application freshly (please make sure you are using application installed from your TV application shop)
– Restart your TV

If it does not work, please contact us with asset name and we will investigate it on our end. Thank you!
PR/Y/ED – Error while preparing player
This is connected to your device and our video player.

We kindly suggest you making following actions:

– Try loading asset again
– Launch Go3 application freshly (please make sure you are using application installed from your TV app gallery)
– Restart your TV

If it does not work, please contact us with asset name and we will investigate it on our end. Thank you!
TE/A/OR – Technical break
The error occurs when deploying the new version of the site. This only means good! We are sending new version of application or doing temporary planned technical tasks to ensure you get the best out of our services.

Please try using Go3 in 15minutes or in one hour. Thank you for understanding!
DE/A/LT – Unknown Error
In some cases you might see this error. However, this is specially designed for situations like this, when something happens and we cannot automatically detect it.

Please try checking if your device meets needed requirements by visiting this article.

If your device and application version is up to date, internet speed is enough – please contact us with details when this error appeared. We will solve it together! Thank you for understanding.

If your screen displays an error message not described here, please feel free to contact us at any time

If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and pressing Ctrl+Enter.

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