There might be cases when you are trying to subscribe or pay for Go3 services and you receive information on a screen that payment has failed. This usually happens because of few reasons, if not any of them is your case, please consider contacting your Bank service provider.
No money in bank account
If you have subscribed to Go3 please make sure you have/had enough money on transaction day.
If you are sure that you have linked your account with correct bank card that has enough of money in account balance, we suggest you looking in other possible reasons below.
If you are sure that you have linked your account with correct bank card that has enough of money in account balance, we suggest you looking in other possible reasons below.
Incorrect card type
The payment card can only be used if it meets the credit card requirements (the CVV / CVC / CID number is on the back of the card)
Example how you can check it below. If you are not sure or your card back side looks different – please contact your Bank service provider for more information regarding your card capabilities.

NB! Zero payments must be allowed for the card to verify its validity.
Example how you can check it below. If you are not sure or your card back side looks different – please contact your Bank service provider for more information regarding your card capabilities.

NB! Zero payments must be allowed for the card to verify its validity.
Internet shopping is disabled
This bank feature allows restrictions for any internet transaction made. How to disable/enable it we kindly recommend you contacting your Bank service provider or visiting their FAQ’s.
Card has expired
Please check your physical card front view, you should see something similar as in example below.
There are two numbers that indicates your card validity, if you see that it is expired, please consider:
– Using different card or payment method for payments
– Contact your Bank service provider to renew your bank card

There are two numbers that indicates your card validity, if you see that it is expired, please consider:
– Using different card or payment method for payments
– Contact your Bank service provider to renew your bank card

Failed mobile payment
It is possible to use mobile payments as a payment method for customers of Telia and Elisa.
Mobile payments are unavailabel for Tele2, since Tele2 is our partner and it is possible to order Go3 throug Tele2 selfservice or by contacting Tele2 customer support.
If a mobile payment fails, the reason may be one of the following:
– mobile payments have not been activated for this number. They can be activated through mobile operators selfservice or by contacting the operator directly.
– a restriction has been set to your number by the operator. In order to ensure, that you have ni restrictions due to unpaid invoices, please contact the operator.
Mobile payments are unavailabel for Tele2, since Tele2 is our partner and it is possible to order Go3 throug Tele2 selfservice or by contacting Tele2 customer support.
If a mobile payment fails, the reason may be one of the following:
– mobile payments have not been activated for this number. They can be activated through mobile operators selfservice or by contacting the operator directly.
– a restriction has been set to your number by the operator. In order to ensure, that you have ni restrictions due to unpaid invoices, please contact the operator.
Need to verify card details
New payment security regulation is implemented by card issuers for extra fraud protection and requires you to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying.
It directs you to an authentication page on the bank`s website to enter a password associated with the card.
For recurring payments it needs to be done once for further payments to be successful. For movie rentals you may still be asked again to go throuh the authentication process while making purchases.
To do so please go to My account > Payment details > click on your existing card and update your payment method.
Find out more about payment security regulations here
It directs you to an authentication page on the bank`s website to enter a password associated with the card.
For recurring payments it needs to be done once for further payments to be successful. For movie rentals you may still be asked again to go throuh the authentication process while making purchases.
To do so please go to My account > Payment details > click on your existing card and update your payment method.
Find out more about payment security regulations here