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Extra Channels

Enhance your viewing experience with a carefully selected variety of additional TV channels suitable for everyone. From breaking news, movies, and series for everybody’s taste to entertainment and engaging content for kids. Never miss an episode of your favorite content with 7 days catch-up.

Extra Channels is an additional product you can add to your existing TV package with more than 20 new channels.

This paid product includes and unlocks variety of channels of different genres and content for your liking:

  • Documentary
  • General entertainment
  • Movies & Series
  • Kids
  • News
  • Music
What are the exact additional channels?
How can I get extra channels?
Extra channels will be turned on for all TV package owners from November 7th to January 7th free of charge.
After January 7th 2024 you will have to pay extra if you want to keep on watching these channels.
What will be price of Extra channels after open window?
The price will be 4,99€
Will I be able to order Extra channels with different package then of TV?
No. If you want to order Extra channels product you have to have TV package or it‘s combinations. You can change your plan to TV, TV+Films, TV+Sports, Premium or All inclusive and add this add-on during checkout process.

To learn more follow these instructions
What to do if I am eligible for channels but don‘t see them?
To ensure that channels are available for you make sure:
– You have proper package (TV, TV+Films, TV+Sports, Premium or All inclusive)
– You are logged in to your account
– You have made a purchase (unless it is between November 7th and January 7th)
If non of these are the case please refer to troubleshooting article here.

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