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Internet consumption

Below you will find a table how much per minute and hour different resolution and video quality consumes internet.

Our platform and content that you are watching has feature turned on “automatic resolution”. It means, that we see traffic of your internet speed and based on that adjust video quality to ensure best experience for you.

We recommend you keeping it at all times and let us work for your quality but if you want to adjust it yourself, please follow this link how to adjust your quality of video while watching content

Video resolution 1280×720 and above are considered to be HD (high definition) quality, everything below it is SD (standart definition). 1GB = 1024mb (this is very important for users with limited internet resources).

Minimum internet consumption rates apply for Live TV channels only if watched on:
– Mobile application, with Android 6+ and iOS 9+ versions
– Android set-top-box (receiver) with Android 9+ version

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